talking about what happens when businesses use technology to talk (and listen) to customers…

Archive for the ‘Communication in theory’ Category

Where you at!? Location-based social networking, Part I

March 8, 2010

One of the newer social networking concepts to hit the proverbial street are “location-based” tools. These have been slower to gain acceptance by the online community, but that hasn’t stopped a slew of location networking applications from hoping into the App store. There’s much to be said about what these tools are and why you […]

Bringing the Virtual Community to Life

March 1, 2010

One of the negatives in this giant online community we’re building is our sense of absolute isolation among thousands of voices. You get to read people’s ideas, opinions and everyday thoughts but much of the time these people are literal strangers to you: you wouldn’t know them if you ran into them on the street. […]

Hop aboard the Cluetrain

January 20, 2010

Once upon a time a couple of guys had the idea that traditional businesses, corporations as they generally exist today, should stop and reconsider how they do business. The changes they suggested extended throughout the company: from the corporate culture to the way the company interacted with its customers. No part of daily operations was […]