talking about what happens when businesses use technology to talk (and listen) to customers…

Posts Tagged ‘opinion

Where you at!? Location-based social networking, Part I

March 8, 2010

One of the newer social networking concepts to hit the proverbial street are “location-based” tools. These have been slower to gain acceptance by the online community, but that hasn’t stopped a slew of location networking applications from hoping into the App store. There’s much to be said about what these tools are and why you […]

Consider me ignited, Raleigh

March 5, 2010

Way to go Raleigh! Last night’s Ignite Raleigh event was a very entertaining blend of technology, entertainment and education. I could go on and on about the awesomeness of the event but let me try to keep things brief by highlighting a couple of particularly fantastic contributions… Everyone Needs a Dumb Guy Chris Moody (@cnmoody) […]

Blogger Seeking Company for FT job…

February 2, 2010

Someone asked me recently, “how can I get a job blogging”? I’m not sure if this was a sign of the adoration he had for blogging or the desperation to find an industry that was hiring, but either way it made me think. How does one get a job blogging? First of all, no one […]

Hop aboard the Cluetrain

January 20, 2010

Once upon a time a couple of guys had the idea that traditional businesses, corporations as they generally exist today, should stop and reconsider how they do business. The changes they suggested extended throughout the company: from the corporate culture to the way the company interacted with its customers. No part of daily operations was […]

Welcome to TechTalking!

January 14, 2010

Forgive the somewhat lame title… I got the Twitter name “techTalking” and I got a little giddy and decided to overuse it. Enjoy. So welcome! Glad you stopped by! This site has been created to share opinions, news, stories and ideas about social networking and businesses. Specifically, I’ll be looking at the ways that companies […]