talking about what happens when businesses use technology to talk (and listen) to customers…

Posts Tagged ‘wikipedia

What’s a “#”?

February 9, 2010

Some of you may have wondered why I called my last post “numberGreatBizConnections”. I didn’t. That symbol, “#”, traditionally denoting “number” or “numeral” is also used to create  a “hashtag”. The hashtag (or just “tag”) is frequently used with newer social networking technologies, most notably Twitter. Tags are keywords or terms assigned to a piece […]

Hop aboard the Cluetrain

January 20, 2010

Once upon a time a couple of guys had the idea that traditional businesses, corporations as they generally exist today, should stop and reconsider how they do business. The changes they suggested extended throughout the company: from the corporate culture to the way the company interacted with its customers. No part of daily operations was […]

What’s a “cloud”?

January 14, 2010

Don’t understand why this self-proclaimed “tech-yapping” site keeps going on about the weather? “Clouds” in our context refer to visual collections of user-generated text descriptions. Check out what Wikipedia has to say about it here. Look to the right. See those sections for “Category Cloud” and “Tag Cloud”? Those are keywords or phrases I’ve used […]