talking about what happens when businesses use technology to talk (and listen) to customers…


Don’t understand why this self-proclaimed “tech-yapping” site keeps going on about the weather? “Clouds” in our context refer to visual collections of user-generated text descriptions. Check out what Wikipedia has to say about it here.

Look to the right. See those sections for “Category Cloud” and “Tag Cloud”? Those are keywords or phrases I’ve used to describe my content (or perhaps future content). Their size is determined by the number of times those words/phrases have been used on this site to-date. Clicking on a word or phrase should take you to a list of posts I’ve used them for. So if you’re interested in tales of business woe, for example, check out the “Once Upon a Mission Statement” option.

Now I admit I haven’t done an ideal job of using self-explanatory phrases. But as time goes on the most commonly-used, and therefore (hopefully) the most intriguing, searched-for and commented on words and phrases will naturally float to the top and the users of the site will be able to use the cloud to quickly identify key issues and trending topics.


Forgive the somewhat lame title… I got the Twitter name “techTalking” and I got a little giddy and decided to overuse it. Enjoy.

So welcome! Glad you stopped by! This site has been created to share opinions, news, stories and ideas about social networking and businesses. Specifically, I’ll be looking at the ways that companies can and have used social networking to build successful online (and offline) communities. And this just wouldn’t be fun if I didn’t throw in a few horror stories about companies and social media so I’ll look for those too.

I hope you’ll find some of the ideas in this blog thought-provoking and personally useful. Please remember that most of this blog is, at its heart, based on opinion, however well-researched the opinions may be. Please feel free to offer comments and suggestions of your own; I welcome the alternative perspectives! However you choose to use the site I hope you find it useful. Thanks for stopping by!